How Living in My Browser Skyrocketed My Productivity

Stephan Serfontein
4 min readSep 20, 2022

A story about Obsidian, Logseq and a beautiful Roamance…

Screen shot of a modern browser with a list of web app shortcuts
When web apps ruled… Image by Author

Just over a year ago, I started using Roam Research and simply could not go back to Evernote, which has been my note-taking app since 2011. The atomicity of notes, doing everything in the “Daily Page,” and the sweet backlinking were just too much to keep me loyal to the good old Green Elephant.

Typical note-taking philanderer, I spent some time with Obsidian, then Logseq and my liaisons with each one became serious affairs for brief periods. Time and again, however, I would return to the comfort of old lady Evernote until my philandering eyes would read yet another juicy report about Obsidian or Logseq, and I would be gone. Often for months at a time.

And yet, although my days as a monogamous note-keeper seemed to be over, I did not seem to maintain an acceptable level of productivity.

Oh, don’t get me wrong! The pure digital joy of being alone with Obsidian and playing with her plug-ins more than made up for me feeding her notes and spending time with her instead of having serious discussions and producing some meaningful output.

Even Logseq, that illegitimate child looking like her mommy Roam Research was — and is — a joy to behold. How can I forget how she shows her PDFs in the most stimulating…



Stephan Serfontein

I am a family man, physician, photographer, writer, traveler and cook — depending on the weather and time of the day..! Join me at